Jalmenus ictinus (Stencilled Hairstreak)

Other Common Name

Ictinus Blue


This species is very similar to J. evagoras, but it’s less flashy and although it’s widespread it tends to live in smaller colonies and uses taller wattles as its host plant, so it’s much more likely to be overlooked.

I’ve found it in several places within suburban Sydney, including Rookwood Cemetery. The ictinus use several host trees dotted around the cemetery; it feels rather odd to be taking photos of a butterfly that’s perched on a wattle growing out of an overgrown grave. 

I’ve seen the males hilltopping at Spring Mountain near Brisbane, on both my visits to that site, but in all my many trips to the Blue Mountains I’ve only seen it there once, when I photographed one at Bell in December 2020.


Ingleburn Reserve – December 2004, January 2005, March 2020, March 2021
Rookwood Cemetary – March 2008, December 2021, Jan/Feb/March/Dec 2022, March 2024
Mount Ainslie, ACT – April 2010, January 2025
Georges Hall – February 2012, December 2018
Bell – December 2020
