Australian butterflies
- Australian Butterflies Photographed (Geoff Walker)
- Moths and Butterflies Australasia
- Butterflies Australia website
- The Aurelian
- Bob’s Butterflies (Bob Miller)
- Australian Butterflies (Don Herbison-Evans)
- SA Butterflies & Moths (Roger Grund)
- Canberra Nature map
- Butterfly Conservation SA
- Richmond Birdwing Conservation Network
- Museum Victoria – Butterfly Database
- Brisbane Butterflies
- Garry Sankowsky’s Butterfly photos
- Aus-Leps (Bjorn Fjellstad)
- Janet Richardson’s Australian Butterfly DVDs
- Tobias Westmeier’s Australian Butterflies page
- Australian Butterflies List (Deane Lewis)
- Cheryl Ridge’s Butterfly photos
- Butterflies of a Dorrigo Garden
- Butterflies Australia
- purvision.com
- Australian Butterflies Conservation
- Australian Butterflies
- Blue Mountains Butterflies, Bugs and Insects
- Butterflies, Moths and other Insects of Australia
- Eltham Copper Butterfly
Butterfly Houses
Overseas butterflies
United Kingdom
- UK Butterflies
- Butterfly Conservation (UK)
- UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
- British Butterflies (Steven Cheshire)
- Alba Butterflies (Scotland)
- Eggs, Larvae, Pupae and Adult Butterflies and Moths
- Amateur Entomologists’ Society
- Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa
- European Butterflies (Matt Rowlings)
- European Butterflies (Guy Padfield)
- Butterflies of France (Roger Gibbons)
- Butterflies of Bulgaria
- Butterflies of Guadalajara
- European Lepidoptera and their Ecology
The Americas
- Butterflies and Moths of North America
- Butterflies of Canada
- North American Butterfly Association
- Butterflies of America
- Butterflies of Colombia
- Pam’s Butterflies
- New Zealand Butterflies
- Samui Butterflies (Les Day)
- Thailand Butterflies
- Antonio Giudici’s Flickr
- Only Butterflies!
- The Moth & Butterfly Identification Forum
- Papilionidae of the World
- Butterflying Around the World
- Butterflies of Singapore
- Butterflies of India
- Sri Lanka Butterflies
- Hong Kong Lepidopterists’ Society
- Butterflies of Vietnam
- African Butterfly Database
- Butterfly Corner
- Delias of the World
- Dave Powell’s Butterflies
- Nelson Dobbs’ Butterflies
- Learn About Butterflies (Adrian Hoskins)
- The Butterfly website
- BubuLeps
- Butterflies in the Philippines
Online articles
Individual species
- Ogyris subterrestris petrina : Researchers embark on search for endangered carnivorous butterflies
- Ogyris subterrestris petrina : Conservation Advice
- Ogyris halmaturia rediscovered on Kangaroo Island
- Ogyris halmaturia : Action Statement
- Acrodipsas myrmecophila : Wildlife and Wildplaces (Stuart Rae blog)
- Hypochrysops piceatus : The Bulloak Jewel butterfly and how the web of life affects us all – from mistletoe to humans
- Paralucia spinifera : Trial native blackthorn burn aims to enhance habitat for the Purple Copper butterfly
- Paralucia pyrodiscus : Eltham Copper butterfly
- Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida : Action Statement
- Paralucia pyrodiscus : The butterfly effect has ants playing defence
- Heteronympha banksii : On a wing – Banks’ Brown butterfly rediscovered in Canberra after 2003 bushfires
- Acraea terpsicore : Indian butterfly crosses Asia and invades northern Australia
- Danaus plexippus : Flying weeds – how the monarch butterfly colonised Australia.
- Croitana aestiva : National Recovery Plan for the Desert Sand-skipper
Butterflies in general
- Making a mark on butterfly conservation
- Butterfly collection ‘of great scientific value’ gifted to QVMAG in Launceston
- A labour of love – the Scott Family Collection
- The butterfly collection of John Landy to go on display
- Cleve clings to butterflies – Cleve’s passion for butterfly collecting has seen him travel all around Australia
- Inside the world of Kuranda’s butterfly man, Frederick Parkhurst Dodd
- Butterflies in wetlands of Kakadu National Park
- Christmas Island butterflies
- Australian butterflies invade Harvard
Butterfly gardening
- Gardening for butterflies
- Tips for attracting butterflies
- The secret to attracting butterflies to your garden
- Butterfly gardens boom in Adelaide schools encouraging nature play
- Habitat for butterflies
- Butterflies that commonly enter gardens in Perth and the South-West & plants to grow for them to breed on
- How to build your own butterfly garden
- Butterflies In Your Playground